You know that saying: If I could go back in time...........
Well, unfortunately not possible. But the mind is such a wonderful thing, it can take you anywhere.
The heart of my growing up years took place in the Bronx. There are things and people who stick with me forever in my mind and in my heart. So many good times walking up and down my block on Grand Concourse. I sure miss those days,the holidays,the diversity. Now looking back, so many things have changed but never will I forget that this is where it all began.

Friday, September 10, 2010

From The Big Apple..........

It's been quite a while since I left my hometown. From The Big Apple to The Sunshine State is quite the drive.But no,  I didn't do that, but I'm sure it would be fun. So I've been living here in Florida for sometime now. It's been a journey.When I first moved from the Bronx, it was in the 80's. It was not my choice but my parent's choice. And being a kid, a young teen, I wondered and asked, why the move? why do I have to leave my school and friends? why do I have to leave all the things I know and I'm used to? Of course these questions I basically asked myself. And so starting over is hard at first, new place, new city , new people. But it gets better with time. Doesn't it seem as if so many people you know, anywhere, end up moving to Florida at some point?So as I mentioned before it's been quite a journey, I've moved a couple of times until finally landing here. I do plan to go back someday to the Bronx where I grew up. The question is only when will that be.There are so many memories, experiences and events throughout the years as I look and think back. It's great to reminisce as pictures flow through the mind from years before then fast forward to a different time, then rewind again to another time and treasure the moments.

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